The Twelve Days of Christmas

As this is my last newsletter for the year, I thought I would provide a light-hearted look at how everyone can save money over the Christmas period. Remember, what is important is simply coming together and enjoying being with those you love most. Here are my twelve tips for Christmas.
1. Start with a budget
It’s easy to get caught up with the Christmas spirit of giving but a good start is to prepare a budget of how much you can afford to spend and stick with it.
2. Have a pre-Christmas garage sale
Most households in Australia are chock a block full of stuff! Make it part of your Christmas celebrations to have a garage sale to clean out some of your kit and make extra cash on the side.
3. Make a list of gift ideas and keep track of spending
Lists are a great way to focus your mind, make you think outside the square and avoid spending too much.
4. Set a time limit on your Christmas shopping
Christmas shopping is a special event. Make it one day in December and no more.
5. Shop early
Plan your Christmas shopping ahead of time and look for those Black Friday sale items.
6. Be Christmas smart when it comes to credit cards
It’s easy to be carried away and go wild spending on your credit card. Just don’t.
7. Adopt a Kris Kringle approach for gift giving
This is a great idea for older families. Nominate a spending limit and have each older person buy one present for another adult in the group. Make it fun or make it serious. It’s a great solution.
8. Make your own gifts
Even better make your own gifts. Pot some plants. Make some herb posies. Gift your time as a babysitter or gardener. Your own gifts are much more personal and fun and cheaper.
9. Search the internet for discounts and sales
Scour the internet for discounts and bargains but don’t fall into the trap of spending more than you budgeted to do.
10. Re-gifting
This has had a bad rap in the press, but I bet there are lots of things in your home you don’t use or like and someone in your group would love. So remember re-gifting is the ultimate form of recycling.
11. Simplify your Christmas Day meals.
One of the greatest joys of Christmas is sharing a meal with your closest family and friends but you don’t have to overdo it. Think simple fresh and healthy meals. The Christmas spirit will be there regardless as to whether all the traditional trimmings are or not.
12. Plan for next Christmas early.
For example, buy Christmas decorations in the January sales, join a Christmas Club in February, start buying one Christmas present each month through the year. All these ideas will soften the financial blow that too often arrives on Boxing Day.