Starting the New Financial Year on a High Note!

There’s nothing like good news to start a new financial year and I am very pleased to announce that I have acquired an office in Melbourne, which I will keep in addition to the office I use to meet clients in Rosebud on the Mornington Peninsula.
So, while I was very thankful to be able to move the business to country Victoria at the start of the pandemic, I can’t help but feel that it’s time to move back to Melbourne and to open a formal office.
It will take a few months to get the new office fully operational, but I am more-than-happy to meet any clients there by appointment if you feel the need to have a face-to face meeting at 408/89 High Street, Kew in Melbourne.
Needless to say, I will still be holding meetings via the Internet and of course by telephone, but the acquisition of an office in Melbourne opens the way to continue to expand the business and hire more staff here in Australia to augment the online staff I currently use.
I will still be able to meet clients on the Mornington Peninsula at the office of Better Accounting Services at Level 1, 1379 Point Nepean Road Rosebud, although these meetings are typically only available on a Friday.
The office in Melbourne simply gives more options to meet with clients during the week and hopefully helps me to provide an even better service to clients. I look forward to meeting you there sometime.
Meanwhile, for those using the Internet, particularly those working from home, I thought it would be useful to go through some simple tips in this month’s newsletter on how to stay safe on the internet and be even more vigilant about protecting yourself from online scams.
There has also been some interesting research on the importance of owning your own home in retirement and that may impact on your retirement which I discuss as well as how to avoid the biggest mistakes when thinking about downsizing from your family home.
In addition, I am constantly looking for ways to help clients, and potential clients, squeeze more money into superannuation and a big issue that is often overlooked, is concessional catch up contributions. A topic I hope to simplify.
There is also a lot of talk in the media about what many believe will be a tidal wave of “intergenerational wealth transfers”, so in this final article, I explain what this is and how you can best prepare for it.
If you know of anyone struggling with managing their savings as they move into retirement, please encourage them to contact me. If they mention this newsletter, I am happy to send them a free copy of my book The No-Regrets Guide to Retirement.
It could be a lifesaving, if not retirement saving, moment for them.
Patricia Howard
0427 429 817